On earth, there's really only one law, a divine law and this law is Love.
It follows that all that is not Love or in fact that which is contrary to Love is Fear.
As for sexual energies, therefore the sexuality for each one of us, these energies take place in a context of Love or Fear.
For a woman as for a man, sexuality normally is of great importance. She or he who comes to see me for a treatment wishes to change something in his or her sexual life but a successful encounter and
treatment is conditioned by a feeling of Love or Fear. More on this:
- To be receptive sexually requires to be open to the idea of abandoning oneself to the hands of the Tantra therapist and thus sexual energies take place with the manifestation of self-love (to love
someone one must first love himself or herself). This self-love context becomes paramount upon seeing the Tantra practitioner, for women who were abused, aggressed during childhood or raped, badly
treated during marriage or for men who experienced verbal violence or lack of respect of their manhood. Thus if Love is paramount to the person who comes for treatment, he or she will experience a
celebration of his or her sexuality and he or she will rediscover or discover with great joy the importance of sexual energies in his or her life.
- The woman or man who comes because the body does not perform well during sexual activities faces the possible manifestation of fear which has been present for a long time. It is therefore required
for that person to let the practitioner convince him of her to put an end to fear and to let LOVE take over. And so you can see how important the initial discussion with the practitioner can be. This
fear of sex can be attributed to how one was brought up by parents or raised within a religion or because of a bad experience. And so it's about discovering if we are able to love oneself which then
opens us up not only to our sexuality but for our entire life in general.
" Each human thought and each human action is based on either Love or on Fear. In reality there is no other motivation, and all other ideas are derived from those two poles. These other ideas are but
versions or different events of the same theme. "
Walsch, Neale Donald. Conversations with God, Book 1 .
To set an appointment, info@massage-tantra.ca