The context for this discussion is that both members of the couple still believes in their love for each other…
You, husband or wife, are here at this very moment because you have sexual needs and the other refuses, or is incapable or has no interest to resume sexual activities between spouses.
And so,
1. You have discussed this "problem" between yourselves
2. No discussion because of the firm position of the other
If # 1 is applicable, there seems to be an opening towards resolving the issue (otherwise, you may as well put yourself in category # 2), your present visit to this website should make you see that
there are solutions but that you need help. And here are the possibilities:
- You alternatively come for treatment and I make you rediscover your individual sexuality
- Then you come together so that the husband receives a treatment by me and I will be assisted by the wife and, thereafter the wife gets a treatment by me and I will be assisted by the husband.
- With the above three treatments, husband and wife have discovered their individual sexuality and this should renew the sexuality within the couple.
Should category # 2 apply in your case, you should start thinking that your needs are a basic part of nature and therefore you should consider that these needs should be addressed now to satisfy them
such as:
- Request an appointment for a treatment which will satisfy your basic needs
- We will discuss your case and determine short term and long term solutions
- But if the other member of the couple in unreceptive to any compromise, the legimity of the present union becomes questionable because infidelities will end up causing problems
Taking action, that is, requesting a first appointment requires courage and determination… and this is the start of a better life.
To set an appointment, write to: