
Women no orgasm
G spot, ejaculation

Montreal and region


Michel for Tantra massage
50% cost reduction for women 55+ years old.


Lady, write to me at e-mail address ... for an immediate solution


version française...

This site offers a therapy in female sexuality in the course of a Tantric massage, and thus celebrates erotic encounters at its best. But you will know great sensuality so that your sexuality becomes exciting and beneficent which, if required, implies the expulsion of negative after effects of your pass lodged in you, by giving you a treatment for your chakras (Read the testimonial of those who did come for treatment: Testimonials ).

To prepare your e-mail: Specify your objectives and ask for an appointment by copy / paste the following e-mail address in your e-mail client:

Availability: Tuesday to Saturday, morning, afternoon and evenings (except for Saturday evening).

You have read what I do and what you can have. Desire plays a big role to attain a quality orgasm. If you are here presently, it's because your body needs have directed you here… so, since your desire is great, this is the time to come… make it your priority and try to set an appointment to possibly come today! And specify your objective or objectives numbers, as set below. You don't hesitate to take a half day off to see your gynecologist… I suggest that the quality of your sexual life is as important.

You are not alone… your Spirit Guide is at your side. He or She is always there at your side to help you, to guide you within the provisions of your Life Chart which together you have completed before your present incarnation. To learn more, click: My Spirit Guide. Should you be a person whose spirituality is an important aspect of your life, the following page link could inspire you and enable you to understand the extent to which spirituality and sexuality go together:

And here is what I will tell you upon your arrival: For your heart to be on the same page as your body

To set an appointment, specify day and time desired, your first name and your objective numbers, as defined hereafter, then when confirmed, be here at the agreed time. If possible, include your telephone number.

To fully enjoy this experience and make it very special, you must prepare yourself mentally. Therefore reading the following pages will be most useful… click on the following link: Mental preparation for a treatment and this next one: Reflexion

No cost Special: Threesome sexual encounter for $0.00 For couple man/woman, couple man/man, couple woman/woman. See: Threesome Encounter

What are your Objectives (you can select as many as you want)? Or you can, in the case of objective # 5a, limit yourself to that one knowing that you can have multiple orgasms (clitoris and G spot) and that this activity can be repeated as many times as you wish it to be... and there's no need to undress !

# 0 = Other service. See what it is by tapping the following: Service at your Home

# 00 = If your life as a couple has become a serious issue see the following: Solution

# 0a = Women over 70 years old... Your sexuality is definitely not over... See the following page: 70 Plus years

# 1 = To be initiated to vaginal orgasm (G spot). A unique service in Quebec. In preparation for this, please read the following page: Pleasure or Orgasm or Both ... please take time to read that page ! And a good way to achieve this is to also request objective # 5a , since the sitting position is very much conducive to this initiation. To give a woman the proper stimulation, so she may have a vaginal orgasm, the selection of a man practitioner is preferable for the following reasons: a man's fingers (index and middle finger) are longer, more often than not, the man maintains the length of his nails shorter and this stimulation requires a lot of energy which normally is beyond the capacity of a woman to do this.

# 1aa = Kundalini... You are able to control your energies or you wish to become able to do it, so see the following page: Kundalini

# 1a = You wish to be initiated to vaginal orgasm but you want that only your spouse be the one to enter his fingers in your vagina. Therefore, when the time comes, your spouse will be asked to replace me and will follow my directives so that his stimulations provide you with good results.

# 1b = Treatment for a Non Binary (intersex) person living as a woman or a man. See: Non Binary (Intersex)

# 1c = Treatment for a Transgender person living as a woman or as a man. See: Transgender

# 1d = Treatment for a young woman of 18 years old, or older, for her initiaton into her sexuality. Seeù: Young woman of 18 years old or more

# 1e = You are a sex worker and are unable to get a vaginal orgasm at work. See the following page: Sex Worker

# 2 = To be able to ejaculate (female ejaculation). If you have had a vaginal orgasm before coming here, you may be able to have an ejaculation upon the first try, but in general, you need to repeat the treatment twice or three times so that you let go thus attaining an ejaculation. A most unique service, here in Quebec. For details, click the following Female Ejaculation

# 3 = Cannot have an orgasm with a man... can't let myself go. If this is your case, click and read the following link: Woman who cannot have an orgasm with a man If you were victim of sexual abuse at a young age, please specify (if you believe you can be cured, you will be).

# 4 = It has been sometime since I've had an orgasm with my spouse, not knowing who is at fault, or it could be my menopause

# 5 = If you are a woman who presently lacks being touched. Click the following link: Lacking being touched

# 5aa = Before doing #5a then going on the massage table, see: 5aa

# 5a To best prepare you for the Tantric massage, and the Yoni massage specifically, wishing and accepting to be caressed under your dress (or skirt) should permit you to have your first orgasm (imagine living such a sensual experience) before laying on the massage table and will permit you to become very receptive for what follows. In cold weather, you can wear a skirt over your pants or tights which you will be able to remove upon arrival. To read details, go to the following page: Under the dress If traveling is a problem for you, consider the fact that I may come to you for this objective in replacement of the Tantra massage. And this treatment will last as long as you will be able to get orgasms. In your message to me, please specify your address and the day and time convenient for you.

# 5b = Woman missing to be touched but not sexually, click the following link: CUDDLING

# 5c = Many women are incapable to ask their partner the kinds of touches they dream to have. Here's an exercise you can come and practice with me and then do with your partner: Communicate your wishes with caresses

# 5d = You wish, in fact, you are in need to seduce. Ask for the link to the page which explains how this can be done.

# 6 = I need and therefore I wish and accept to receive affection, tenderness and human warmth... and even wish to live a moment of passion.

# 7 = TO SHOW MY GRATITUDE, after the massage, you can pose for photo shots of your naked body (Woman, Man or Couple) and immediately receive at no cost 2 prints of 8X10. See: For photo shots to be taken of your naked body

# 8 = Here's a link which explains Importance of awakening your woman's body and how I do this.

# 8a = Breasts orgasm… Yes it is possible ! See: Breasts Orgasm

# 8b = Cunnilingus: Here's the proper way to do it: Cunnilingus

# 8c = Access to the giver's sex... Some women need to take a penis in their hand because that arouses them.

# 9 = More than a massage… for a sensuous woman who loves music, click: MASSAGE & CONCERT

# 10 = You are a handicapped man or woman, you live in a private residence and to receive a tantric massage and therefore see your entire body be touched and caressed would be a sort of deliverance for you ! So click on the following page: Handicapped

# 11 = Discover a new erogenous area by requesting my facial massage. See details at: FACIAL MASSAGE

# 12 = Tantric massage for a pregnant woman, click the following link: PREGNANT

# 13 = May the masseur have a mask over his eyes during the massage as explained in the following page: Masseur with mask over his eyes

# 15 = Training for women doctors, nurses, etc. Click = Training for health care women

# 16 = Training in Tantra massage of the sexual type (Yoni massage). Men or women who wish to learn how to stimulate a vagina to bring about a vaginal orgasm and /or a female ejaculation. This training can also be for a spouse wishing to learn how this is done. See: Sexual Tantra massage

# 17 = Tantra massage for Intersex people, see the following page: Intersex

# 18 = You have a secret sexual desire and wish to experience it... see: Secret desire

# 19 = A couple of lesbian women who wish to renew their sexual life or to discover new sexual technics. See the following: What I can do for you

# 99 = I wish simply to have an appointment to only have a discussion on my sexuality, as I'm living it, and understand what I'm missing and why I cannot attain it.

If a woman wants to love, she must first love herself. I will show you how to love your body by looking at it every day.

Undecided? May I suggest the reading of the following page by clicking: DECISION and/or TESTIMONIALS

I'm on the south shore, some 10 minutes travelling time from the L-H Lafontaine tunnel/bridge.

I am a professional in my field and I will act with great respect.

Note that you may be accompanied.

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