You need not be a gay man to appreciate a massage given by a man ! Sure a gay man appreciates this kind of treatment but a great number of straight men come for it for the first time, come back
again and this does not make them new homosexuals, far from it.
A Tantric massage involves all parts of the body. In Tantra, no body part is left unattended. In fact in the course of the massage, may that be on the back side or the front side, the hands,
the fingers and the arms of the masseur often come into contact with the penis of the receiver and with the stimulation, the organ gradually increases in size.
The stimulation includes the testicles which on occasion feel being supported in the palm of a hand, and the penis itself is explored, caressed over its entire length with special attention to
the gland for the great pleasure of the receiver.
It is not essential that the lingam (male sex) stimulation ends with an ejaculation but it does happen in the great majority of cases to the cries of joy by the receiver.
The Tantric massage is preceded by a chakras treatment so they may open up, become receptive to the care of the body. And the shower waits for the man who received the massage.
A man who receives this massage from a man can often relax more than in the presence of a woman aand thus have less distractions.
Michel for the Montreal region. Contact = or copy/ paste for your online mail service.