There are two dimensions to this question:
1. The emotional involvement between the two members of the couple, and
2. A working sexuality which targets particularly the needs of the woman
The emotional part, which often conditions the sentimental experience from one to the other, starts with the chemistry which the brain activates during the love making. In fact the brain activates
and produces many chemical elements, such as dopamine, serotonin and different morphines. The result is not unlike for those who take cocaine.
However, this chemical cocktail is not for ever… the day comes when the brain no longer excites the two members of the couple for the following reason: as for those who depend on substances, the dosage
must be increased to provide the same effect. But the brain is not capable to increase the dosage of the chemical elements it has produced up to now and therefore the pleasure is not the same as before.
But there is a solution… and that is to activate oxytocine, the hormone that mothers and babies feel during breast feeding. And it is quite easy for a couple to activate this hormone, it is a matter of
making physical contact with your partner…
- Hand in hand
- Cuddling
- Massages on body part
By activating oxytocine, a beautiful harmony establishes itself between the partners and couples that do this stay together for a long time.
As for sexuality, many couples discover that this aspect of the couple's life is not satisfying and for some, even discouraging. In the majority of cases, it is the man who does not know how to prepare
his wife and quickly decides instead to initiate penetration believing or hoping that his member will give her pleasure. I understand that in the majority of cases the man has not been trained or
schooled in such things either within the family or at school. And as for the Internet… one finds pornography but this is the worst kind of learning source to do these things properly.
I treat many women who come because they lack being touched. Some do this because they no longer have a partner, but many are married but have no pleasure in the love making with their man and wonder
why their body doesn't give pleasure when it should. So in the course of the Tantric massage, I stimulate the woman's Yoni with my fingers and she experiences orgasms at different points. These women
leave surprised by the wonderful performance of their body. And the next stage, should the husband be willing, is for him to come with his wife and I propose him to assist me for the massage and for
the stimulation of his wife. This event for a couple enables them to discover how pleasurable their sexuality can be and this launches them to a new departure.
PS: Just between us… I can tell you that I love what I do. For instance, the other day I was giving this woman objective # 5a and after
her first clitoris orgasm, I saw that she was receptive and
looking for more… so this time (after a normal stimulation in her vulva) my index finger started to stimulate her G spot on the surface of her prostate while my thumb took care of her clitoris in the
same hand movement repeated time and again and she was able to have a double orgasm at the same moment… G spot plus clitoris !
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