Montreal and region
Important... Difference male/female vs female/female, See: male/female vs female/female >
Upon your arrival we will sit and talk about your case. And, as a preliminary, you can decide to have objective # 5a To best prepare you for the Tantric massage,
and the Yoni massage specifically, wishing and accepting to be caressed under your dress (or skirt) should permit you to have your first orgasm (imagine living such a sensual experience) before laying
on the massage table and will permit you to become very receptive for what follows. In cold weather, you can wear a skirt over your pants which you will be able to remove upon arrival. I suggest that you get the following e-book covering my website because in your Kindle app you will have all linked pages. And you will have a choice of pressing links to access pages on the website or
accessing them in this e-book as a permanent record. Here's the Amazon link to order this book: Tantra Massage interactive e-book
Once in your Kindle, make your background black which will make for a pleasant read. And if you have Echo Dot, Echo Spot, Echo Plus, Echo Show or Echo Show5, pair with your Kindle Fire tablet using Bluetooth then, ask Alexa to read the book to you. ATTENTION: If you are incapable of having an orgasm with a man, not even when he stimulates your clitoris, I invite you to immediately click and read the following page:
Here are four good reasons to come as a couple: ****** Mrs wishes to
improve her pleasures in sexual relations and, for that
reason, she is willing to receive a Tantric treatment
which includes the Yoni (female sex) massage, knowing
that Mr. will be receptive as he is the one to propose
the Tantric encounter. And, menopause certainly affects your sexual life and can complicate things seriously. Read the following article on the matter by clicking the following link: MENOPAUSE I can state that some couples have been helped by my service and are now using alternative technics in their sex life.
Mr. knows that Mrs has a need, and that
he should learn a few things. He is there because he loves her very much. If you have lived as a couple for a number of years, there comes a point where chemicals associated with love, like all drugs, come to a point of saturation.
The next step is to consider the importance of attachment and act accordingly. Here's an article on Oxytocin, and how to activate this hormone for a long and lasting relationship as a couple:
Oxytocin In addition to the ways described in the article to activate oxytocin, add this other one: if the man sucks the nipples of his
wife, both will feel the effects of the hormone oxytocin, like the baby and her mother felt it at the time of breast feeding. How the encounter takes place and active participation for Mr: Before the massage gets underway, we first have
a conversation, to determine the objectives, and I explain the procedure. The Massage for a woman takes place, as you can read in the proceeding link, on
a Tao & Zen music score, very appropriate for the occasion.
Mr often gets up from his seat to get in a strategic position to
capture important movements of the masseur's hands. Mr is very attentive during the Yoni (feminine sex) massage. I ask Mrs
if the pressure movements of my fingers are at the right spot on her prostate.
Mrs, if you are reading this page, chances are
that it is because Mr. made the suggestion to do so. And, if that is the
case, Mr. may want to learn to give you new pleasures. The Tantric massage for a couple is important
for the following reasons: Mrs cannot explain to Mr. how to give
her joy inside... Mr. knows that she did have a " G
" spot orgasm in the past but he doesn't know what
to do, to achieve this. Mrs can occasionally get a " G
" spot orgasm when alone, but, never with Mr. Or, in many cases, Mrs has heard of the
" G " spot but believes her's is deficient.
However, she is willing to try getting it stimulated. Link to the G spot webpage If Mr. is suggesting that both of you should
come to see me, to get this Tantric massage for you, give
yourself a break and make an act of faith for your own good and
for the success of your lives as a couple because he is ready to give you new pleasures. But if you are willing to come only to make him happy, it never works... it's a loss of time. For an appointment or to ask questions, click the Contact tab up above. Specify the day and time you wish
for the appointment. In the meantime, take note that it takes
10 minutes travelling time to get here from the south end exit of
the Lafontaine tunnel/bridge.
Both of you will not be surprised to read that men and women don't know enough about a woman's body (for example the existence of the
female prostate and it's very important role in her sexuality).
The lost of desire and/or pleasure comes, most of the time, from the fact that we believe to know everything about our partner, thus blocking the discovery of new sexual pleasures.
Sexuality is a domain where routine is a serious menace and it can bring about uninspiring mechanical gestures. But your partner wishes to learn and he will be by my side and
will replace me, when prompted.
For a couple without a sex life, see the following link: No sex ! or better still, click on the following:
How to be alive as a couple
Woman who cannot have an orgasm with a man
1. Loss of libido by the woman in the couple. Lack of vaginal secretions. They say that 40 % of women living in monogamous couple have a hypo-active libido and in the US,
they are about to introduce a " Viagra for women " to trigger this desire deficit. But beware, this is not a miracle remedy ! In fact there's a better solution, see my page:
2. The couple wishes to find better/new pleasures in their sexual relations to put an end to their more or less "mechanical" routine. As a therapist in female sexuality, I invite you to read
the link for:
School of Love. And I can assure you that women love to have 4 hands on their body... my 2 hands and
those of her spouse! An interesting way to live your fantasy.
3. Many men always ejaculate prematurely and suffer for not being able to give pleasure to their wives and certainly not an orgasm. If you decide to come as a couple, I will stimulate her with my
fingers so she may attain a vaginal orgasm, then, I will ask him to replace me and under my direction and her guidance, your wife will have her second orgasm because of your own stimulations.
Thereafter, in your own intimacy, she will always be pleasured by his fingering and weather he ejaculates prematurely or not will not be important… in fact, once the pressure of premature ejaculation
is removed, he may very well acquire greater control on himself !
4. You wish to be initiated to vaginal orgasm but you want that only your spouse be the one to enter his fingers in your vagina. Therefore, when the time comes, your spouse will be asked to replace me
and will follow my directives so that his stimulations provide you with good results. In the list of objectives, in the "Contact" page, see objective # 1a.
5. Some women experience pain during penetration and do not talk about it ! Find out about it by reading the following article from the Cleveland clinic:
Pain during penetration This is a good reason to come for treatment since I can show you an alternative method.
6. The massage if for mister ! So we will ask the lady spouse to assist the masseur or masseuse. This way the lady will learn how to caress her man's body and how to bring him a lot of pleasure by
doing the Lingam massage
7. You are a couple… but your couple consists of two women. Let me show you how to stimulate yourselves to attain vaginal orgasms (G spot). Consult my page which concerns:
8. If you are a couple not concerned by your sexuality but with your problem to show affection and tenderness between you, I invite you to come for an afternoon or an evening for a cuddling
experience with me. There will be no Tantric massage but all three of us will rather cuddle, demonstrate affection and discover ourselves. I will show you how your body can express itself.
Mrs can take place between us men or I can place myself between you. I say this because in certain cases Mr. could be ready to cuddle me, a stranger, to see what it provides before daring
to do it to his wife. Same for her… she can test things on me than turn around and do it to her husband. I'll be happy to be your guinea pig. For details, click on the following link:
CUDDLING In my opinion, a couple that don't cuddle misses the essential in their togetherness. Cuddling is opening the door to
emotions between two people, who "think" of themselves as lovers. It is clear that without cuddles, the couple's sexual life is somewhat a misfit. So lady, if asking him to accompany you here to
learn how to cuddle and the benefits of cuddling is beyond your capacity, come yourself, alone, and perhaps upon returning, you may initiate things unimagined between you but that could open the
door to your dormant love.
9. I suggest you consider also asking for objective # 5a which asks to be caressed and stimulated under your dress or skirt
during the conversation which takes place before the massage. The mere fact that this takes place under your garment makes it a most sensual treatment. And there is a page which provides a complete
description on how this is done... click: Under your dress or skirt
10. Here is a way to do away with infidelity by ending obligations associated with strict monogamy status. If the two members of the couple can have a frank discussion, they can explore the
possibilities associated with polysexuality and polyamorous relationships. See the following page: Polysexuality and Polyamorous relationship
11. If the sexual life in your couple is less than satisfactory, please listen to this video by Diana Richardson: The Power of Mindful Sex
Does one of the following situations apply to your couple:
If your life as a couple has become a serious issue see the following: Solution
Then Mrs goes to the change room to get
undressed and, more often than not, Mr. follows her to get
undressed as well (a bath robe is there, available for his
convenience). Comments
In closing, I would like to say the following to
And after her massage if Mrs would like to see him also be massaged, and perhaps assist the masseur in so doing, that would be nice... men love to see two women touching themselves, so the reverse is not true?
I am a professional in my field and I will act with great respect.
After the massage and shower, you may ask me to take photos, such as this one or other poses. See
Free photos
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To request an appointment, write to
If you are reading this page because you've never had an orgasm with a partner (man or woman), and you are seeking to find the solution, I invite you to click the following link and to read the page that concerns you : Woman who cannot have an orgasm with a man
Reason why my service should not be offered as a surprise "gift"... check it out:
Reason why my service should not be offered as a "surprise gift"
Should you be interested in reading the experience of other women treated here, simply click the following link: Results
If you are a past client of mine and discovered with my treatment the pleasures of vaginal orgasm and perhaps also female ejaculation. But since then, the new man in your life doesn't know how to give you these pleasures, and you don't know or cannot explain to him how to stimulate you... then click the following: Let me show him